A little guy was sitting next to a big guy in a bar and said, “Hey, wanna hear a good Polock joke?”
The big guy frowned and answered, “I just happen to be Polish. You see those two big guys at that end of the bar? Polish. That mean lookin’ son-of-a-bitch bartender, he’s Polish too. Do you still want to tell your Polish joke?”
The little guy looked around and said,”Nope.”
“What’s the matter?” asked the big guy. “Are you afraid that we’ll beat you up?”
The little guy looked up at him and said, “No, I just dont’t want to have to explain the punch line four times.”
man i happen to be polish and i was looking for some good polock jokes but i can’t seem to find any good ones or original ones at least
i heard this one in the blond version
a blind man in a bar says hey wanna hear a blonde joke
the man next to him says you know the bartender is blonde, the bouncer is blond, i am 6 foot 200 lbs blonde the guy next to me is 6 foot 2 225 lbs football player also blonde the guy to your left is 6 foot 5 pushing 300 lbs blonde wrestler do you still wanna tell that joke?
not if i am gona have to explain it 5 times
come on people i get some original jokes.
I have a little bit of polish in me myself.