Pope in a limo

One day the Pope was going to a United Nations meeting in New York. When his plane arrived, the airport was mobbed. Finally, the Pope got into his limo. Because of the mob, the Pope was way behind schedule. So, he told his driver to go faster. His driver went a little faster but not that much. The Pope getting anxious told him to go even faster. The driver slightly went faster. Now the Pope was getting really anxious and told the driver to get into the back. The Pope took over driving. Well, the Pope was going at least 110 mph and before he knew it, there was flashing lights behind him. The Pope mumbled some things under his breath and pulled over. The cop stepped out. He walked over to the limo and began:

“Do you understand sir that you were going 110 mph on a . . . oh my God, your Holiness! I’m sorry, if I knew I would have never . . . oh, please continue, I am so sorry.”

The Pope muttered a prayer over the policemen and sped off. The policeman went into his car and radioed his chief. He said:

“Sir, you are not going to believe who I just pulled over.”

The chief responded:

“Oh man, don’t tell me you pulled the mayor over again?”

“No, chief, bigger.”

“Okay, the governor then?”

“Nope. Even bigger.”

“Don’t tell me you pulled over the damn president!?”


“Who then, who?”

“I don’t know, chief, but his driver’s the Pope.”
