Praying Parrot

One day, a lonely woman bought a parrot to keep her company. The pet shop owner told her how to teach it to talk. The old woman thought it would be nice to have someone to pray with every night, so she taught it to pray.

A few weeks later the woman’s priest came over and she was anxious to show off her parrot’s skills. She said to the priest, “Pull his right leg,” so the priest did. The parrot dutifully said the Hail Mary.

The priest remarked at how nice it was. Then the woman told the priest to pull the parrot’s left leg. The priest did and the parrot recited the Our Father prayer.

Impressed by the bird’s talents, the priest asked what would happen if he pulled both legs at once. The parrot turned to him and said, “I’d fall on my ass, you fucking idiot!”
