Priest and the housekeeper

There was a young priest and an old priest, and one day the old priest ask the young priest over for dinner.

The old priest had a beautiful young housekeeper and the young priest kept asking the old priest if he had ever slept with her. The old priest said that he had never, and would never, sleep with her.

The next day, the housekeeper noticed that a very expensive gravy ladle was missing.

She assumed that the young priest had taken it, and told the old priest. He responded by writing a letter to the young priest that said, “I am not saying you did take the gravy ladle, and I am not saying you didn’t. But if you know where it is, please tell me.”

The young priest wrote a letter back that said, “I am not saying that you do sleep with your housekeeper, and I am not saying you don’t. But if you slept in your own bed, you would know where your gravy ladle was.”
