One day while Bill Clinton was doing his morning jogging he
noticed a little boy standing outside the White House gates. As curiosity got the best of him, Bill jogged over to the gates to see what the little boy was doing.
As he approached the gates Bill was taken by surprise when he noticed a sign saying “Democratic Dogs For Sale”.
Bill asked the boy about the dogs he was trying to sell. “What’s up son?” Bill asked. To which the little boy replied, “I’m selling Democratic Puppies. Would you
like to buy one Mr. President?’ he answered. “No, Thank you young man. I just got a new dog. But thanks anyway. And good luck,” said the President.
And he jogged away. Thinking about how cute the puppies had been, Bill went to Hillary and told her about the Democratic Puppies. They both laughed about how sweet it was that the little boy was trying to sell his puppies.
The next morning Clinton noticed the same little boy at the gate with the same little puppies.
This day, however the sign read, “Republican Puppies For Sale”.
Bill inquired about the sign stating, “Young man, yesterday when I was here you had a sign stating that these were Democratic Puppies for sale. Now today you call the same puppies Republican Puppies. What’s the deal?”
To which the boy replied, “Yes sir, Mr. President, but today they all have their eyes open.”