Puppy Smuggling

A traveling salesman had been on the road for two months and was finally on his way home. Feeling bad about having been away from his children so long, he decided to buy them a gift. So he stopped by a pet store and bought them a cute little puppy.

Unfortunately, he was stopped on his way in by a stewardess who told him, “I’m sorry, Sir, but we don’t allow animals.”

In desperation, the man popped into the men’s room and stuffed the puppy down the front of his pants, and put his overcoat on to cover it up. Then he re-boarded the plane.

The plane took off, and a half-hour later, the stewardess was making her rounds when she noticed that the salesman was looking pale and fidgeting in his seat. She asked if he was all right, and he said that he was just feeling a little airsick.

However, fifteen minutes later, she noticed that he was sweating and squirming in his seat. The stewardess came back and asked again if the salesman was all right.

He answered, “Well, actually, you know that puppy that you said I couldn’t bring on the plane? I stuffed it in my pants and brought it on board anyway.”

“But Sir,” said the stewardess, “why do you look so ill?”

“Well, apparently the darn thing isn’t weaned yet.”
