Rings True

A small church advertised for a bell ringer. The priest answered a knock at the door and saw an armless man.
“I’m here about the bell ringer job,” the man said.

“But,” replied the priest, “How are you going to ring the bell with no arms?”

“Watch me!” the man said.

The priest and the armless man climbed the spiral staircase up to the bell tower. The armless man ran at the bell and smacked the bell with his forehead, releasing a beautiful sound from the bell. “The job is yours,” said the astonished priest.

Every hour the armless man climbed the staircase, ran at the bell, and chimed the bell. One unfortunate day, the armless man tripped on a loose floor board while running at the bell, and he fell out of the bell tower and landed on the street below. A crowd gathered.

Someone yelled, “Does anyone know this man?”

A woman answered, “I don’t know his name, but his face rings a bell.”
