Sang Froid

“Tell me,” asked an American of three Frenchmen, “what is sang froid? I know it means cold blood literally, but what are its connotations?”

“That,” said Andre, “is best answered with an example. Imagine, my friend, that you are away on a business trip, but have come back unexpectedly soon, and find your wife in bed with your best friend. You do not wish to get emotional, to heat your blood. Instead you stay cool. If, like a true Parisian, you can smile, wave cheerily, and say ‘Pardon the intrusion,’ you, my friend, have sang froid.”

“Nonsense,” scoffed Jaques, “that is merely tact. If, on finding your wife in bed with your best friend, you say, ‘Pardon the intrusion; please continue,’ then, my friend, you have sang froid.”

“Bah,” sneered Pierre, “that is ordinary politeness. Let me explain sang froid. Let us return to the same situation. If, after you have said, ‘Pardon the intrusion; please continue,’ the gentleman in bed can indeed continue, then HE has sang froid.”
