A research scientist was assigned to do a test to determine the influences of body shapes in distance jumping. So, the scientist decided to use a frog for this research.
He positioned the frog on a surface that was marked off in feet and inches. He said :”Jump frog jump” and the frog jumped 7 ft. The scientist recorded this observation:
Conclusion: Frog with 4 legs , jumps 7 feet.
Then he cut off 1 leg and said “Jump, frog jump” and the frog jumped 5 feet. He wrote:
Conclusion: Frog with 3 legs jumps 5 feet.
He cut off another leg and repeated the instructions and the frog jumped 4 feet.
Conclusion: Frog with 2 legs jumps 4 feet.
He cuts off the 3rd leg and repeats the process.
Conclusion: Frog with 1 leg jumps 2 feet.
He cuts off the last leg and says, “Jump, frog, jump!” The frog does not move! Once again he says, “Jump, frog, jump!” Still the frog only sits there. The scientist writes in his research book:
Conclusion: Frog with no legs is deaf !