One day at the carp fair there was a shovel throwing competition. The first contestant gets up and throws the shovel 100 yards. The shovel throwing judge says,” Wow what a toss, that was better than anyone at the last fair, do you mind if I ask what you do for a living?”
The guy says,” My grandfather was a farmer, my daddy’s a farmer and I’m a farmer; we shovel shit all day long, I guess I just got good at it.”
The next competitor gets up and throws the shovel 200 yards. The judge asks him the same question and he says,” My grandfather was a labourer, my father was a labourer and I’m a labourer. After using a shovel for 70 hours a week you get used to it.”
The next competitor gets up and throws the shovel 500 yards. The judge says, ” Holy shit! In all my years as a shovel throwing judge I have never seen anyone throw a shovel that far. How do you do it?”
The guy says,”My granddaddy was on welfare, my daddys on welfare, and I’m on welfare. They always told me,’If anyone ever puts a shovel into your hands, you throw it as far as you fuckin’ can!!!”