Signs You are Addicted to Wrestling

You light your bed on fire and fight your brother in it.

Your teacher gives you detention, so you give him a Stone Cold Stunner and walk out of class, flashing your middle fingers.

You leapfrog over people while playing football, then you turn around and clothesline them.

You publish a shirt that says ‘Jay Leno 1-0 Who’s Next.’

Every time you sit down at a table you consider how easily it might break if you were to moonsault onto it.

After you beat someone up, you spray paint their back.

You chokeslam your cat.

You elbow smash your dog & turn him/her over for the three count.

Instead of reading a bedtime story to your kids, you put them in a sleeper hold.

When you put your kids to bed, you tell them to “Rest In Peace”

You get fired from work then show up the next day wearing a mask.

Instead of opening a can of tuna you open up a can of whoop ass on your cat.

In the school cafeteria you come up behind and hit a kid with a chair and look around for crowd responses.

You walk down the aisle at a church giving high fives as the people hold up signs and chant your name.

You won’t come out of your room till your parents play your theme.
