Smurf in the Bar.

One day a smurf walks into a biker bar, jumps onto a stool, then the counter and orders a beer. After downing the beer the smurf looks down to the far end of the bar and sees the biggest biker in the place.

He then runs down to the biker, looks him square in the eyes, smiles from ear-to-ear, sticks his face in the biker’s beer and goes “bbbbbbb.”

After taking his face out of the biker’s beer he runs back to the other end of the bar and orders another beer.

While the smurf was ordering his beer the biker thought to himself that if that smurf came back over there and done that again. He was going to grab the smurf up by the neck and rip his pecker off.

Well, after the smurf finishes his second beer he looks down at the biker, who now has ordered another beer himself, and runs down to him.

The smurf again does everything the same, but this time after sticking his face in the biker’s beer and going “bbbbbbb” the biker grabs him.

“Ya know,” said the biker, “I told myself yhe next time ya come o’er her an’ one that I as gonna have ta rip yer pecker off.”

“I ain’t got a pecker,” the smurf replied.

“Well how do ya piss?”

