One day these two hunters are walking through the woods when the one turns to his friend and tells him that he has to go take a shit.

About 10-15 minutes go by and his friend is still not back, and while waiting for him up against the tree he spots a deer and shoots it.

While gutting the deer he gets a devilish idea to take a handfull of the deer guts and sneak over to the spot where his friend is shitting. He does just that without his friend seeing him and places the guts underneath him and then sneaks back to where he shot the deer.

About 30-45 more minutes go by and his friend finally comes back from the woods and says, “You’re not going to believe this Jim, I was shitting and I shit so hard that I literally shit my guts out………but with the will of God and these two fingers, I was able to put them all back!!!”
