Southern Sayings…..

1. “Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit.”
2. “It’s been hotter’n a goat’s butt in a pepper patch.”
3. “He fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on
the way down.”
4. “Have a cup of coffee, it’s already been ‘saucered and
5. “She’s so stuck up, she’d drown in a rainstorm.”
6. “It’s so dry, the trees are bribing the dogs.”
7. “My cow died last night so I don’t need your bull.”
8. “Don’t pee down my back and tell me it’s raining.”
9. “He’s as country as cornflakes.”
10. “This is gooder’n grits.”
11. “Busier than a cat covering crap on a marble floor.”
12. “If things get any better, I may have to hire someone
to help me enjoy it.”
13. “Tie my face to the side of a pig and roll me in the
me in the mud.
14. “Hotter than a $2 pistol.”
15. “Enough wringkles to hold an eight day rain.”
16. “I’m so hungry I’m fartin’ cobwebs.”
17. “Shit fire and save the matches.”
18. “Living high off the hog.”
19. “Slow as molasses.”
20. “Grinnin’ like a mule eatin’ briers.”
21. “Lord, I fell like I’ been rode hard and put up wet.”
22. “I feel like I been drug through a knot hole
back’ards and beat over the head with buzzard guts.”
23. “Hotter than a cut-goat in a brier patch.”
24. “Happier than a fat tick on a skinny dog.”
25. “One can short of a six-pack.”
26. “One frame short of a full roll.”
27. “Now we’re shitting in high cotton.”
28. “She’s so ugly she’d knock a buzzard off a shit
29. “As full as a tick.”
30. “I feel worse than a dog that just puked and ate it.”
31. “Feel like I’ been caught between a dog and a fire
32. “Went to shit and the hogs ate ’em.”
33. “Happier than a dead pig in shit.”
34. “Dumb as dirt.”
35. “Colder than an old maids bed in March.”
36. “She’s so ugly she’d make a freight train take a dirt
37. “She’s so ugly she’d knock a dog off a meat truck.”
38. “Finer that frogs’ hair.”
39. “That puts a hitch in my giddy-up, (or get-along.)”
40. “Colder than a well-digger’s butt.”
41. “Slicker than owl shit on a July morning.”
42. “Busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking
43. “Busier than a one-armed paper-hanger.”
44. “(the rain) sounds like a cow peein’ on a flat rock.”
45. “cuter than a speckled pup.”
46. “cuter than a mess of fried catfish.”
47. “If I was any happier I’d be twins.”
48. “He ain’t got sense God promised a billy goat on a good day.”




  1. I would have to say I am a from the south born and raised in Mississippi. I have not heard half of these so i am wondering were the came up with these. Sometimes people try to make the south look stupid we are just like everyone else we just might say yall and not you all..

  2. Oh, God. Riann- Why don’t you just take the joy out of a thing. I’m from Tennessee and I’ve heard a lot of these. Maybe you’re just too good for your raisin’ cause these sayings are AMAZING!

  3. Well I don’t know how old you folks are but I am 52 and I have heard variations of all of these. Some more than others. I, of course, am from Alabama.

  4. I grew up in MO, but my daddy’s family was from all over the south..Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, and Georgia, I have heard most if not all of these sayings! My relatives were in no way stupid, they were just down home type people. Don’t be offended by these sayings, I am proud to have southern roots in my family, and wish I had been raised there!

  5. It was a Texan who told me once when I was just a teenager: Why you ’bout as cute as a speckled pup, in a red pick up, on a sunday afternoon”

    I never forgot that

  6. I was as nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs

  7. Your argument’s thinner than the broth made out of the shadow of a chicken that starved to death!

  8. He so ugly he could eat corn through a Pickett fence.

    I’m so nervous I could thread a sewin machine backwards, while its running!

  9. I have heard most all of these.Some of the phrases here are a little different than the way I have heard them from the old timers I knew but basically the same meaning.I remember alot of the crazy old superstitions too,my grandmother lived by them.Thank you for posting them.

  10. Here’s a quote for JZ who said Alabama is gay…It’s better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt…Mark Twain

  11. I’ve heard some of these with variations & simplifications….though some of the below seem a bit contrived to me; like something someone NOT from the south might imagine a southerner saying.
    I agree; often people not from the south assume people who are from that part of the country are dumb, inbred etc…my parents & their parents are from Ga, Miss & La & all were anything but dumb – in fact, were very shrewd, quick witted & were natural BS detectors.

  12. I am from Indiana by ways of Kentucky(LOL) and I have heard most of these plus some. I love these sayings and before you know it your passing them along. Told my kid the other day if she kept acting up.. I was going to knock her into next week! She was stunned but then started laughing and wanted to hear more. Thanks to all those who came before me for keeping it simple.

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