Sir Lancelot was out riding one night and it was storming, rain, wind and hail.
His horse slipped and fell and broke his leg. Sir Lancelot had to leave him there.
On foot, he came to an Inn. He asked the Innkeeper if he had a horse because his mission for the king was very important.
The Innkeeper said, “I’m sorry but the only animal I have is a Great Dane dog.”
Sir Lancelot looked at the dog and after sizing it up, he said, “That is a big dog; I think he could carry me and my mission is very urgent.”
The Innkeeper said, “I’m sorry, Sire I can’t let you take the dog.”
“Don’t you understand, man, how important this mission is?” asked Sir Lancelot.
The Innkeeper told Sir Lancelot, “I wouldn’t send a Knight out on a dog like this.”