A man and his wife are driving down a deserted road while on vacation. In the deepening gloom, the man fails to see a deer in the road until the last second. In a panic he swerves and drives off the road, down an embankment and into a tree.
Now, the collision was so bad that the couples clothes were shredded and they were left essentially naked.
The husband was trapped in the wreckage but the wife managed to free herself. Standing by the car, she looked for something to cover herself while she went for help. Unfortunately the only thing she could find was her husbands shoe.
Covering her genitals with the shoe, she went up to the road to try to flag someone down and call for help.
As she stood by the road with the shoe covering her crotch a truck came by and stopped.
When the driver came out to see what was wrong, she blurted “Oh please help there has been a terrible accident and my husband is stuck”
The truck driver looked down at the shoe and said “Lady I’m only a truck driver, I think that you need a doctor to get your husband out of there.”