sum of a

Pepito is at home doing his Math homework.

Pepito: “Two plus five the son of a b**** is seven. Three plus six the son of a b**** is nine”. In that moment, his mother comes in.
Mother: “But Pepito, what are you doing?! Why are you saying that?!”
Pepito: “I’m doing my Math homework, Mom”.
Mother: “And is that what your teacher taught you?”
Pepito: “Yes”

Next day, the mother, worried about the education her son is receiving, goes to Pepito’s school to talk to the teacher.
Mother: “I would like to know what you are teaching my son in Math?
Teacher: “Oh, sure. We are learning addition problems.”
Mother: “And… are you teaching them to say two plus two the son of a b**** is four?”
Teacher:”Not at all! What I taught them was two plus two THE SUM OF WHICH IS four.”
