Surd Special

A man goes to the doctor and complains that his wife is hard of hearing.

The doctor suggests that he bring her in for an examination, but the man says she won’t come in. Man asks the doctor if there is something he can do. The doctor tells him to go home, and say something to his wife from far away, then keep moving closer until she hears him. When he discovers how close he needs to be for his wife to hear him, he’s to measure the distance, and then the doctor will see what he can recommend.

The man goes home and at the front door calls out “Hi, Honey, What’s for dinner?”
…His wife does not respond.

He goes into the living room, and calls out
“Hi, Honey, What’s for dinner?”
….His wife does not respond.

He goes into the kitchen and calls out
“Hi, Honey, What’s for dinner?”
…His wife does not respond.

He walks right up beside her and says
“Hi, Honey, What’s for dinner?”

His wife turns around and says “I’ve told you three times already – we’re having chicken!”
