One day a man put his father in a rest home. His father didn’t want to be there but just to please his son he would stay there for a while.
The first morning the old man woke up with a boner and immediately after he woke up a beautiful nurse pulled down his pants and started to give him the best blow job he’d ever had. As soon as she was done she cleaned up and left without saying a word the whole time.
The old man, still in shock, picks up the phone and calls his son. The old man says, “Son! You wouldn’t believe it, I woke up with a boner this morning and a beautiful nurse came in, gave me a blow job, and left withuot saying a word! This place is wonderful! I’ll stay here forever!”
“Well I’m really happy for you dad, I hope you stay there,” says his son.
Later on in the day the old man is walking through the halls with his walker and he falls down. Just then a big burly orderly runs up to him on the ground and fucks him up the ass and leaves him for dead.
The old man gets himself up, walks to his room and calls his son.
“Son!” he says,”You gotta get me out of this horrible place!”
“What’s wrong?” asks his son.
“I was walking the halls with my walker and I fell. Right after that a big orderly ran up to me and fucked me in the ass!” he replied
“Well Dad,” said the son, “Take the good with the bad, you get a blow job in the morning and fucked in the afternoon.”
“Son! You don’t understand! I get a boner once or twice a month, but I fall down ten or twelve times a day!”