the 10 commandments

There’s this guy who forgets his coat somewhere and forgot where. He goes to the store and finds out a replacement coat cost $250 bucks.

Astonished he goes to a church to sit and think what to do. He enters the church and hears the sermon going on.

As he passes the coat rack he sees a coat identical to his own. He plots to wait for the end of the sermon then to make off with the coat.

He sits and listens to the preacher. The preacher then starts to recite the ten commandments. After the sermon the man goes to the preacher and says thankyou I was about to commit a terrible sin.

I was plotting to steal a coat because I lost my own. Then I heard you recite the ten commandments and changed my mind. “Oh,” said the preacher you must have heard me say “thou shalt not steal.” “No,” says the man “I heard you say thou shalt not commit adultery and I remembered where my coat was.”
