A new priest does confession for the first time and is extremely nervous. Father Murphy, the seasoned veteran, assures him it’s no problem, there’s a chart on the wall listing the sins and number of Hail Mary’s.
First sinner comes in and says, “Father forgive me for I have sinned”. New priest ask what he’s done and he says, “I lusted in my heart”. New Priest looks at the chart and replies, “Three Hail Mary’s.”
Next sinner comes in and says, “Father forgive me for I have sinned.” New priest asks what he’s done and he says “I committed adultery”. New Priest looks at the chart and replies, “Five Hail Mary’s.”
Next sinner comes in and says, “Father forgive me for I have sinned”. New priest asks what he’s done and he says “I sexually molested an altar boy.” New priest is aghast, but looks on chart. Nowhere on the chart is this sin. He’s really starting to sweat. The new priest runs out of the confessional in search of help. In the front of the church is altar boy. The new priest runs up to him and asks, “What does Father Murphy give for sexually molesting an altar boy?”
Altar boy replies, “Two Snickers.”