A hunter was out one day, crouched down for nearly an hour when he noticed this bear crawl by. So, without hesitation, he fired his shotgun at the bear. A cloud of dirt went up, but there was nothing there. Finally, he felt a tap on his sholder. It was the bear.
“What are you doing? You can’t shoot me. Turn around and pull down your pants for some sweet lovin’ or I’m going to rip you to pieces.”
The hunter had no choice, so he slowly turned around and took it in the ass. Sore and frustrated, he went home.
The next day, he grabbed a bigger gun and went back to that same spot. Not a few minutes later, the SAME bear came crawling by. Aiming for blood, he unloaded a few rounds at the bear. Dirt, dust, debris, twigs and branches flew around. Finally, everything cleared. No bear. Again, a tap on the shoulder.
“Are you stupid? Didn’t you learn your lesson. Alright, sex or brutal mutilation?”
Grunting, the hunter turned around while the bear had his way with him. He went home that night more pissed then ever. He was going to kill that bear.
The next day, he grabbed his automatic rifle. He went to the same spot and saw the same bear. He held the trigger for a full minute, let the dirt settle, then walked over to the pile of wood shavings and dirt and twigs. No bear. Finally, a tap on the shoulder. He turned around to see the same bear.
The bear gives him this look and says, “you aren’t here for the hunting, are you?”