the blonde family

The blond family was the perfect american family –mom, dad, brother, and little sister…and of course they all had blonde hair and blue eyes!!

One day little sister found a brunette wig and put it on, she went in the bathroom and put on some of mom’s mascara, and put in some brown contacts…

Then she went and found her dad and said. “Daddy, daddy, look I’m a brunette, look dad!!!”

Well, dad didn’t even look up from the tv. and said.. “Go,away don’t bother me now I’m busy!!! Go bother your mother!!!”

So little sister went and found her mom and said, “Look momma I’m a brunette!!!” Her mom didn’t even look up from bleaching her hair and said, “Go away dear, I’m real busy, go talk to your brother!”

She found her brother talking on the phone and said, “Look at me! Look at me!! I’m a brunette, don’t I look good!!” Her brother didn’t even look down and said, “I’m on the phone, go on, don’t bother me now!!!”

Little sister then goes out on the back porch, sits down and puts her hands on her chin and says, “I’ve only been a brunette for 10 minutes and I already hate those damn blondes!!!”
