A bus, making it’s daily trip, stopped to pick up an older lady. The lady was carrying a big duffle back and she had it clutched to herself as if she was trying to protect it. She walked to the back of the bus and sat down.
Two younger men saw the dufflebag she was clutching and one of them said, “Excuse me, but what’s in the duffle bag. The lady responded, “IT’S NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS!”
The man was stuned and kept quiet. The other man was getting more and more curious until he said, “Lady, we just want to know what’s in the bag!” She replied, “IT’S NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS!”
Now the busdriver heard this and he pulled over the bus. He got up, walked to back of the bus and said, “Lady you’d better tell me what’s in that bag.” Her reply was, “IT’S NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS!”
Well the busdriver had just about enough so he kicked the lady off of the bus but not before taking her dufflebag. He closed the door and drove off.
And that’s it. Can you believe it? ……..what??…………………
you wanna know what’s in the duffle bag?