One day a mouse came upon an elephant in the jungle who had gotten a thorn in its foot.
The mouse felt sorry for the elephant, and pulled the thorn out.
The elephant was indeed grateful, and offered the mouse anything it wanted in return for the good deed.
The mouse, noticing that the elephant was female, and feeling rather randy at the time, said: “Well, I’ve always wanted to fuck an elephant.”
The elephant laughed and laughed, and said:”No problem.” and raised the mouse up to her back with her trunk.
The mouse walked to the back of the elephant, who held her tail out of the way, and got started.
Just then a coconut fell from a palm tree and hit the elephant on the head. “Ouch.” She said.
The mouse said: “Take it all, bitch!”
WTF is this!?…
wtf !
its such a stupid joke !
hahahaah .. funny ..
WTF wat da hell is that joke..
corny ..
stupid joke ..
LOL this is great !!!