George was sitting at his desk and stressing over the upcoming deadlines when his boss came up to him. Their conversation went as follows:
Boss: “George, when is the last time you took a vacation?”
George: “Sir, I don’t have time for a vacation. There is way too much work to be done.”
Boss: “George, I believe you would be more productive if you took some time to get away from your work and relax for a little bit.”
George: “Sir, really I am okay.”
Boss: “George, I going to insist that you take a vacation. As a matter of fact, I know this great litte fishing hole out in the country. Get yourself a fishing pole, a can of worms, and a six pack of beer. Enjoy the afternoon by the lake.”
George tried to explain to his boss that he really didn’t need a vacation, but his boss wouldn’t take no for an answer. George went home, packed a weekend bag, grabbed a fishing pole form the garage and headed out toward the country following the directions his boss gave him to the fishing hole. Along the way, George saw a little country store and remember he needed to buy some worms, so he stop at the store. Inside the store, he had the following conversation with the store clerk:
Clerk: “Howdy, What can I do you for stranger.”
George: “I just need to get some worms to do some fishing.”
Clerk:”Sure thing, you’ll probably be needing some buttermilk too?”
George:”Buttermilk, why would I need buttermilk?”
Clerk:”Well, the snakes are bad this year.”
George:”So what does buttermilk have do with snakes.”
Clerk: “Well, everyone around these parts knows that buttermilk is the best way to draw out the poison if you ever get bit by a snake.”
George: “Never heard of anything of the sort. Besides I don’t plan on getting bit. I’ll just take the worms.”
George paid for the worms and headed off to the fishing hole. Once there, he put a worm on the hook, tossed his line in the lake, relaxed and drank some beer. After about a six pack of beer, he was starting to feel very relaxed, but had to pee. George got up from his spot and went behind a tree and began peeing. Suddenly George heard what sounded like a rattle, looked down and realized he was peeing on a snake. The snake struck out and bit him on the penis. George began to panic. With his penis in his hand and his pants down about his ankle, he began yelling for help. He then saw a house on the other end of the lake. Still holding his penis, he hobbled all the way to the house with his pants still around his ankles. Once at the house, he began to frantically knock on the door. A liitle old lady answered the door. George and the litte old lady had the following conversation:
George: “Ma’am, I need some buttermilk quick! Please, some buttermilk quick!”
The little old lady went back into the house and came back with a glass of buttermilk. George grabbed the glass and stuck his penis in the glass of buttermilk.
Geroge: “Thank you ma’am, you saved my life.”
Old lady: “Sonny, you know I’ve been buried five husbands, and given birth to eight kids. I swear that is the first damn time I ‘ve ever seen that thing reloaded!”