There is one guy who needs to get to the airport within half an hour.It takes 45 minutes to get there, so he asks a cab driver ,”Can you get me to the airport within half an hour?”
The cab driver says ,”With seven dollars i can.” The guy says “Ok.” So they go, on the way theres a red light ,when the driver sees it he slams the gas. The guy in the back asks the driver ,”What in the hell are you doin crossing a red light?” The driver says proudly ,”Me and my four brothers don’t believe in red lights.” The guy says ,”Ok.” Four or five red lights pass, then a green light comes the driver slams the brakes. Starts screeching, leaves black tire marks on the road, but finally stops in time. The guy in the back asks the driver ,”What in the hell are you doin stoppin at a green light?” The driver says ,”I’m afraid I mite hit one of my four brothers.”