There were these five pigs. The first two went into a bar. The bartender asked, “What will you have?” They said five beers. They drank them, and asked, “Where is your bathroom?” The bartender said down the hall. Then the next two pigs came in the bar.
“What will you have?” said the bartender.
“What did our two brothers have?” The bartender said five beers.
“We’ll have ten beers.” They drank them. They asked, “Where is your bathroom?”
“Down the hall.”
The last pig came in to the bar.
“What do you want?”
“What did my brothers have?”
The bartender said the first two had five beers, the second two had ten beers.
The lone pig said, “Give me fifteen beers.”
He drank them and started eating the peanuts off the bar. The bartender said, “Don’t you need the bathroom?”
The lone pig said, “No I’m the one that goes ‘wee wee wee’ all the way home.”