The Little Blue Smurf

A little blue smurf walked into a bar and hit his hand on the bar. The bartender then put a beer in front of the smurf and carried on making drinks for the others at the bar. A biker noticed but didn’t say anything.
About five minutes later, the smurf jumped on the bar and took a swig of his beer. The biker laughed, and the smurf stared at him. The little blue creature then ran down the bar, stuck his face in the biker’s beer and said, “Blwullbll!!” The smurf took another swig of his beer, and, staring at the biker, sat back in his barstool.
The biker got upset and flipped the smurf off, so the smurf jumped back on the bar, took another swig of his beer, ran down the bar, stuck his face in the biker’s beer and said, “Blwullb!!”
The biker then had had enough. He got the bartender’s attention and told him, “If that smurf does that one more time, I’ll cut his nuts off!”
The bartender quickly replied, “Little blue smurfs don’t have nuts.”
“Well, I’ll cut his dick off,” the biker said.
“Little blue smurfs don’t have dicks.” The bartender was trying hard not to laugh.
“Whoa!” The biker was very confused.”How do smurfs take a piss?”
The bartender started laughing, then said, “You’re going to be mad.”
The bartender smiled, and, glancing at the smurf, said, “BLWULLB!!”
