It was back in the olden times when you drove carriages not cars.
A little boy and his father lived outside of the town. The father told his son, he had to go to town and sell his pet duck because they needed the money.
So the little boy is walking in the town and he is looking depressed and a woman is standing on the street and notices him. She walks up to him and says, “Why don?t you come with me and I can make you feel better.”
So they have sex and she says, “That will be twenty bucks, please”. He says, “I don?t have it, I?m in town trying to sell my pet duck.” She says, “Since it was good the first time how about we have sex again and I will give you your duck back”. He agrees.
He leaves her house and is just smiling away and doesn?t pay attention to where his duck is going. All of the sudden you hear BOOM! A carriage ran over the duck. A man jumps down and says, “I am sorry, little boy, how much do you want for your duck?” He says, “Twenty bucks, please.” So the man gives him the money.
When he gets home he hands the money to his father and his father says, “how did you get so much money for your duck?” And the boy replies, “A f**k for a duck and duck for a f**k and twenty bucks for a f**ked up duck.”