Man walks into a bar. This man is carring a big, black, briefcase type of bag. He sits down at the bar and orders a drink. He removes a thimble from his pocket, pours a little of his drink in this thimble, and puts the thimble inside the bag.
Bartender gets a little nosey, and asks what’s in the bag. Man holds up his finger as if to say “wait”, and begins to open the case at the top.
He reaches inside and removes a teeny-tiny six-inch high, perfect grand piano. He sits this on the bar and knocks on the side of his case.
From the top edge of the case emerges a teeny-tiny head, wearing a teeny-tiny top hat. Following the head, emerges a teeny-tiny little body, wearing a teeny-tiny tuxedo complete with tails and all.
This teeny-tiny man sits down at the teeny-tiny piano and begins playing Mozart, flawlessly.
The bartender is absolutely impressed, and inquires as to where the man found such an object. The man again holds up his finger as if to say “wait”, reaches in to his bag, and produces a “magic lamp”.
The bartender doesn’t believe it, but grabs the lamp and rubs it anyway. An old feeble-looking genie appears and offers to grant only one wish, because he is tired. The bartender immediately wishes for a million bucks. The genie grants the wish and disappears.
The bartender looks around and asks the man, “Hey, where’s my money?” At that moment, he gets hit by a duck. All the sudden, there are ducks all over the place, about a million of ’em.
The bartender asks, “What happened?” The man looked him straight in the eye and said, “Ya, and I asked for a ten-inch pianist ?!?”