One time a Lawyer from up North came down to South Texas to go hunting. He shot a duck and it landed in an old farmers field. When he went to go get it the farmer saw him and asked what he was doing. The lawyer repeated in a smart ass way, “I am getting my duck, old man. Watch out!”
The old man replied, “Well here in south Texas we got a contest we play before you can get the duck!”
The lawyer wanted to look good so he didn’t back down. He said, “Well how do I play?”
The old man replied, “Well its called Texas Three Kicks. I kick you three times and you kick me three times and who ever is the last on standing wins.”
Thinking that the old man was to feeble to ever do any damage, the lawyer agreed and he even let the old man go first. The old man kicked him right in the nuts and said, “You give up?”
The poor lawyer was in so much pain he could hardly stand but he didn’t give up. Then the old man kicked him in the kidneys and then in the nose.
Then the hurting lawyer stood up and said, “My turn?”
The old farmer said, “Nah, I give up. You can have the damn duck!”