The Three Little Pigs Revisited

One day in Sicily, the three little pigs were outside playing cards when all of a sudden the big bad wolf comes along. The three pigs scurry around and start building houses to protect themselves from the wolf.

The first pig builds a house of straw. The wolf spots the house and he huffs and he puffs and he blows the house down.

The pig escapes and runs over to Pig #2?s house made out of wood. Along comes the wolf who huffs and puffs and blows the house down.

This time the pigs make it out by the skin of their teeth. They zoom over to Pig #3?s house made of brick. Suddenly, the wolf is standing outside the house huffing and puffing. Pig #3 picks up the phone, says a few words and hangs up. A few minutes later a black limo pulls up. Two well-dressed pigs gets out of the back seat, pull out machine guns and shoot the wolf. Amazed, Pig #1 and Pig #2 ask, ?WHO WERE THEY??

Pig #3 replies ?THE GUINEA PIGS!!!?
