The Witch and the spiders

Once there were these three REALLY stupid spiders. All they ever wanted was to be smart. So, one day, they decided that they would go to a witch and see if she could make them smart.

“So, you want to be smart,huh?”, the witch asked. “Ok, I will make you smart but first, you must go out and learn three facts by yourselves to prove that you really want to be smart.” The spiders agreed and were on their way.

A couple days later, the three spiders returned, all very confident that they had learned three facts.

The first spider approached the witch and said, “Witch, you are going to be so proud of me. I learned that monkeys like bananas, water freezes when it’s cold and that money grows on trees!” The witch shook her head and sent the stupid spider on its way.

The second spider walked up to the witch and began to tell her his three facts. “Elephants have trunks, giraffes have long necks, and snakes have eight legs.” Again, the witch just shook her head and told the second spider to leave.

Finally, the third spider walked up to the witch and said, “Wait until you see what I learned, you’ll definetely want to make me smart!” The witch reluctantly listened to the spider. The spider reached into his pocket, and pulled out a flea. He put the flea on the ground and said,”Roll over.” The flea rolled over. “Speak” The flea let out a little “Squeek!” The witch was very impressed by the spider’s display. She said,”That is very impressive. What is the third thing you taught your little flea?” The spider picked up the flea, ripped off all of it’s legs, and placed it back on the ground. “Jump, Jump!” The spider yelled. But the flea just layed there. The spider looked at the witch and said, “See, when you rip off the flea’s legs, it goes deaf!”
