About eight years ago there was a kid named bort. He had no friends and wasn’t very smart.
His teacher, along with the principal knew how dumb he really was. Instead of giving him a lot of homework like the rest of the kids, his teacher told him to go home and think of three words to tell his teacher the next day.
He went home and watched T.V when he was watching T.V he decided to start his home work. He watched T.V. until he found a word he new how to spell. He was watching a rocket fly into space, so he heard one of the scientists say “take off” that was his first word.
1.Take Off
He went into his bedroom, and played with his toys, such as demented dwarves, fake puke, and a zebra. Since he slept with his Zebra, he decided to add “Zebra” to his list
1. Take off
2. Zebra
Now it was on to his final word. His dad came home with a slut and went into the bedroom. Bort stood out side the door of his dad’s bedroom, and heard words like, ouch, baby, gargle, gargle, oh yeah, suck me, hard, stiff, and other words. So since bort’s dad always called bort a baby, bort decided to use the word “baby”. He went to his teacher the next day and told her what the three wods were she said “tell me” so he said “take off zebra baby”.
If you didn’t understand that it was take off ze bra baby, as in take off your bra baby.