Three Men in an Airplane

Three men are on an airplane, flying over the ocean. The aircraft is in trouble, and the captain soon comes on over the intercom and says, “Folks, we’re having some serious problems here. I want everyone to assume crash position.”

The first guy, after hearing this, he stands up and starts taking off all his clothes. His two friends see this, and say, “Hey! What are you doing that for?” and the man replies, “I’m not a very good swimmer, and if we go down into that ocean, I think these clothes will weigh me down.”

The second guy thinks for a minute, and then he stands up and starts putting the first guy’s discarded clothes ON. The other two ask him, “Why are you doing that?” and he says, “Well, I’m a good swimmer, and I think that ocean’s gonna be cold. These clothes will keep me warm!”

The third guy all of a sudden gets up and takes off down the aisle, disappearing behind a curtain. His two friends are shocked, and yell, “Hey! We have to stick together!” and so they go off after him. They pull back the curtain, and there’s their friend, putting it to a black stewardess! They yell at him, “What the hell are you doing! We’re about to crash into the ocean!” to which the man replies, “The first thing they look for after an airplane crash is the black box, and I’m going to be the first one they find!”
