Toilet Paper and Telecommunication

A nerdy guy walks into a bar. He sits down and orders a couple of drinks. As the bartender is handing him a beer, the guy starts poking at this hand with one finger, and then holds his hand up to his ear and starts talking to it. The bartender is quite bewildered by this, so he says, “What are you doing?”

“Well,” says the nerdy guy,” I am a CEO for a top telecommunications company. I have a digital chip embedded in my hand enabling me to talk to my collegues when a telephone is not present.”

The bartender looks at the guy really weirdly and says, “Come on, you’re drunk. Get out!” to which the nerdy guy gets quite annoyed and says, “No seriously! What’s the number to your bar?” The bartender gives him the number, and the guy pokes his finger into his hand again.

The phone rings at the other end of the bar, and whaddaya know, it’s the CEO guy. The bartender thinks that’s really interesting and buys the guy a couple of drinks.

After talking to each other for a couple of minutes, the guy suddenly dashes into the bathroom. After two hours, the bartender is getting pretty worried, so he goes in to the bathroom and sees the guy spread-eagle against the wall, with his pants neatly folded beside him, and a roll of toilet paper shoved up his ass.

“Oh my god! Are you okay?” yells the bartender “Do you need help?”

“No, it’s okay,” calmly replies the nerdy guy. “I’m just getting a fax.”
