Stuttering John was, once again, rathered embarrassed at the toothbrush company’s monthly sales meeting.
“How many tooth brushes did you sell this month?” asked his sales manager.
“I ssssold fffour tttooothbrushes llast month, bboss,” stammered John.
“That doesn’t cut the mustard,” shouted the sales manager, “you need to come up with a gimmick if you want to be a successful salesman!’
“Wwhat’s a gggiimmick?” asked John.
“You know,” said the sales manager, “anything that will make the customer buy your product. That’s what we call a gimmick.”
“Ooookay, I’ll tttry uuusing aa gggiimmick nnnext time bbboss,” John uttered.
A month later at the next sales meeting the manager was reviewing sales. “How many toothbrushes did you sell last month, Tom?” asked the manager.
“I sold 325 toothbrushes last month, boss,” answered Tom.
“And, Larry, how many tootbrushes do you sell last month?” inquired the boss.
“Put me down for 450 toothbrushes,” exclaimed Larry.
Finally he gets to John as he asks, “What about you, John, how many toothbrushes did you sell last month?” he inquired.
“I sssoldd one thhoussand, threee hhundredd ffiffty ffive tthooothbrrushes lllast mmonth'” John beamed.
“Wow,” said the boss. “How on earth did you ever manage to sell 1,355 toothbrushes?’ he asked.
“SSSimmple,” said John, “I uuused a ggimmiccck.”
“Enlighten us, John, what was your gimmick?” the boss wanted to know.
“I wwaited bby the ttrrain sstation and when the ppeople gggot off the ttrain I offered tthem ssome cchips and ssalsa,” declared John.
“Tell us,” said the boss, “how did that work?”
“WWhen tthey ddipped the cchipps in the ssallssa they ssaid it ttasted llike sshitt!” said John.
“It is,” I said. “Wwould yyou llike to bbbuy a ttoothbrush?”