Tough Cat, Even Tougher Dog!

One night out on the back yard fence, 3 tom cats happen to meet, and start bragging about which one is the toughest.

The first cat says, “Hey boys, I’ve caught up to 100 mice in a single night… I’m the best mouser around!”

The second cat says,” That’s nothing, I can eat 10 boxes of catnip and it doesn’t even give me a buzz!!”

The third cat just turns around and starts walking back down the fence..The other 2 yell to him, “Hey where you going?”

He says back, “I’m bored with you two. I’m going to go fuck the dog!”

Well, when the toughest cat found the dog, he was bragging to two of his dog buddies, that once he had hunted down and killed a dozen cats in a single day.

The second dog replied with, “That’s puppy play, I once chased down and bit all the tires off of an eighteen wheeler that was going 65 mph down the road!!!”

The third dog turned around and started to walk away, and the other two dogs said, “Hey, where you going you sissy dog?”

He looked over his shoulder and said, “I think I’ll go fuck the dog catcher!”
