
NEW YORK–Tragedy struck at a popular Manhattan nightclub Saturday, when the roof of “The Tunnel” caught fire, collapsing and killing 43 party people.

According to fire-department officials, the death toll was exacerbated by the clubgoers’ unwillingness to evacuate the burning building.

“I tried shouting to the people on the dance floor that the roof was on fire and that they should exit the premises immediately, but they seemed unfazed by the danger,” firefighter Michael Pitti said. “I just kept shouting, ‘THE ROOF! THE ROOF! THE ROOF IS ON FIRE!’ and so forth, but they just went right on dancing, insisting that they didn’t need any water and that we should let the motherfucker burn.”

As flames continued to fill the nightclub, firefighters frantically urged the revelers to keep low to the ground to avoid smoke inhalation, but the warnings were universally ignored.

“I was screaming at the top of my lungs, ‘GET DOWN! GET DOWN, PARTY PEOPLE!'” said firefighter Garry Hodges of Ladder Company 42, “but the more I shouted out, the harder they danced.”

Though an NYFD investigation is still pending, the deadly blaze is believed to have begun at 11:40 p.m., when a roof-mounted ventilation system short-circuited, igniting the motherfucker.


Cheers Hey
& Make Waves
