Two Old Streakers

There were these two old women, Ethel and Bertha, that lived in a nursing home. There were these two old men, Paul and Bill, that the old women liked, but the men paid them no attention. The women did everything to get their attention. They cooked them their favorite meals, they flirted with them, etc.

One day Ethel said to Bertha, “I know something we can do to get their attention!”

Bertha replied, “Well, what is it?”

Ethel said, “Let’s go streaking in front of them.”

Well, the women stripped off all their clothes and ran in front of Bill and Paul. The old men didn’t budge. They just kept rocking in their rocking chairs. Bill said to Paul, “Wasn’t that Ethel and Bertha?”

Paul replied, “Yea it was.”

“What were they wearing?” Bill asked.

Paul replied, “I don’t know, but it sure needed ironing!”
