Useless facts

1.The us government spent 277,000 dollars on pickle research in 1993

2.There are 10 doctors in the us whose last name is Nurse.

3.When Heinz ketchup leaves the bottle it travels at the
speed of 25 miles per year.

4.State of union: The house where Thomas Jefferson wrote most
of the declaration of independence was torn down and replaced with a hamburger stand.

5.If you are an average American you will spend an average of
6 months waiting at a red light in your whole life.

6.Chimpanzees lie alot. How do scientists know? They taught
them sign language.

7.Ten percent of the Russian governments income comes from
the sale of vodka.

8.One out of five Americans cannot say which president is on
the $1 bill without looking at it first.

9.Americas first nudist organization was founded in 1929 , by
three men.

10.Your tax dollars at work: According to one government
study, pigs can become alcoholics.
