a man takes his dog to the vet and asks why he is so ill.The vet replies your dog is very old,i think we’ll have to put him down.The man says,ive had him fifteen years,hes my best buddy,i want some tests done! The vet replies,okay we’ll give him a blood test.

The results come back suggesting the dog has to be put down and the vet tells him this.The man says i’m not happy about it,can we run more tests? So the vet calls his nurse in with a labrador. The nurse lets the labrador off the leash, it walks up to the sick dog, has a sniff, walks around it and looks into its eyes,then looks up at the vet and shakes its head.The nurse puts it back on the leash and walks out, and the vet says,sorry,we’ll have to put your dog down.

The man says,you’ve got to be joking i want more tests done!, so the vet calls the nurse in with a cat.The nurse walks in,lets the cat off its leash,and the cat walks up to the sick dog,has a lick,walks around it,and looks up at the vet shaking its head,and then walks back out with the nurse.The vet says again to the man,sorry we’re going to have to put him down.

The man looks in disbelief,but decides its the best thing and they give him the fatal needle.The man picks up the body and the vet says you can pay the nurse on the way out.

The man walks out to reception, picks up the bill,and reads $675 and asks why so much? The nurse replies,it was $75 for the appointment and euthanasia,$200 for the blood test,$200 for the Lab report and $200 for the cat scan.
