Viagra Copycats

With Viagra being such a hit, Pfizer is introducing a new line of drugs aimed at improving the performance of women in today’s society:

DRIVEAGRA: One dose of this drug prior to leaving on a car trip will eliminate the woman’s constant compulsion to critique a man’s driving ability. Allows her to understand that she cannot drive from the passenger seat.

MEMORAGRA: One tablet taken daily allowed 95% of women tested the ability to forget things their husbands said or did ten to twenty years earlier and eliminated the desire to use them as defensive mechanisms when they were proven to be wrong.

APPARELLAGRA: Allows a woman to return to her natural desire to look at least as good for her man at home as she does when she gets dolled up for work. Gives her that “June Cleaver” glow.

WARDROBEAGRA: In 98% of women tested, the desire to fill at least 98% of the home’s total closet space with clothes and own more pairs of shoes than Imelda Marcos was significantly reduced.

PARKAGRA: One tablespoon before entering shopping establishments has proven 99% effect in aiding a woman in the return trip to the automobile.

FAULTAGRA: Women taking this pill have an 89% chance of actually admitting when they are wrong.
