Customer: Waiter! There is a fly in my soup!
Waiter: Don’t worry sir, the spider in the bread will get it.
Customer: Waiter! There is a spider in my soup!
Waiter: Don’t worry! The frog should surface any moment now.
Customer:Waiter, There’s another fly in my soup.
Waiter: Now, there is a fly that knows some good soup. But if you insist I will get you the fly swatter.
Customer: What is the fly doing in my soup?
Waiter: It looks like he is doing the backstroke to me.
Customer: There is a fly in my apple sauce!
Waiter: Of course sir, its a fruit fly.
Customer: There’s a twig in my soup!
Waiter: Now hold on sir, we definitely need the branch manager for this!
Customer: Is your drinking water healthy?
Waiter: Yes,sir. We only use well water!
Customer:Waiter, this coffee tastes like soil.
Waiter: It was ground this morning.
Waiter: Do you usually like your coffee black?
Customer: What other colors do you have?
Customer: There is another fly in my soup!
Waiter: Shhhhhhhh! Everyone will want one. Sir, you are eating a noon lunch…. and this is a fly by night place.