A conserned farmer is wondering what his son is going to be when he grows up. So he takes his son to a psychic. The farmer askes the psychic, “Can you tell me what my son is going to be when he grows up?” The psychic says, “Yeah sure.” So the psychic puts the boy in an empty room with a table and chair. He places an apple, bible and a 50 cent peice on the table. The psychic leaves the room and came back twenty minutes later and the boy hasn’t moved at all. So the psychic leaves again and comes back twenty more minutes. This time, the boy is sitting on the bible eating the apple and flipping the coin on his finger. The farmer looks at the psychic and askes, “What’s he going to be?” The psychic responds, “He isn’t goin to be a farmer a priest nor banker. He’s going to be a politician!”