Where did Fido go?

This important woman went to Israel. When she got off the plane, she said, “Where’s my dog? Where’s the case?”

The EL-AL airline people finally find the case in the baggage room. They open it up, and the dog is dead.

They’re all upset; they know the woman will kill them. They go and get the manager, and they tell him the dog is dead and the woman is carrying on, waiting for her dog. “She’s shrieking, she’s complaining; she wants to sue us!”

The manager says, “Look, it’s a cocker spaniel. Next door there’s a pet shop. Go buy a cocker spaniel the same color and size. She’ll never know the difference.”

They run and buy a cocker spaniel and put it in the case. They yell, “Lady! Lady! We found your dog!”

She says, “It’s about time!”

She looks in the carrier and says, “That’s not my dog!”

The manager says, “How do you know that’s not your dog?”

She says, “My dog is dead. I was taking it to Israel to bury it.”
