They’re supportive.
They’re uplifting.
They help you to achieve new heights.
You expect to find them in your underwear drawer.
If they’re too uptight, it’s easy to loosen them up.
You can let them under your shirt on a first date.
It’s legal to lock them in the dryer.
They coordinate with your underwear (not to be confused with men, who are coordinated once in your underwear).
If you outgrow them, it’s easy to throw them away and get a new one.
You can try on many without being considered a slut.
It’s not a big deal if another woman borrows one.
It’s not as disturbing to find them with your little brother.
You can try them on, but you don’t have to buy.
They don’t adhere to your chest when your nipples tense up.
It’s okay if they become clingy when your tee-shirt is wet.
They don’t see through your shirt, unless you plan on it.
If they shrink after being in water, and are hanging out to dry, you can wear another while you’re waiting.
You can take them to an all-women’s gym, and they’re willing to go.
After a while, they pay for themselves (if you wear them right).
You can own both an exotic, sexy black, Italian underwire, and a white, cotton, All-American sports bra, and it won’t be breaking one of the ten commandments.
Waking up with a hangover and one attached to your chest isn’t that big a surprise.
You have the ultimate decision about whether or not to sleep with them. And if you choose not to, they don’t whine about it.
They seem to like sleeping with your cat in the laundry basket.
Wearing a strapless dress guarantees a new one.
Your father appreciates them.
Your mother appreciates them.
They can come with polka dots or flowers and belong to you, not a drag queen.
If they’re Wonder-ful, they help you to meet other men.
They come in various sizes. The large ones, YOU need to fill up, not the other way around.