one day a guy at an insurance company got a request for insurance for a pig.
The guy wanted to know why the pig needed insurance so he went down to the farm to investigate.
when he approched the owner and asked him why, the farmer pointed to the pig with only 3 legs.
The insurance man(lets call him Joe)
asked what happen to the pig.
the farmer(lets call him Billy Bob)
says,”well one time my little daughter got out of her play pen and me and my darlin didnt notice, till a big truck started come down the road! The pig jump over the fence and saved her before she got hit!”
Joe: “well how did the pig loss his leg?”
Billy Bob:”oh .. well one night i was in the barn tending my horses and i dropped the lantern, and the barn started to catch fire, and the pig saved us all before it burned down on top of us!”
Joe:”you still didnt tell me how he lost his leg.”
Billy Bob:” well you cant eat a pig that good all at once!!”