By now, you’ve probably all seen the new “slogan” that’s gotten every preacher’s attention coast to coast:
WWJD, or What Would Jesus Do….

Contemplating that very question, here are some possibilities:

1. Call his Dad. Find out why Dad and Mom never got married.

2. Have dinner with eleven close friends and the one guy he just doesn’t like.

3. Get some sleep.

4. Hang around for a while and catch some sun.

5. Get up early on Sunday, even when he feels dead on his feet.

6. Spackle his hands and feet.

7. Open a winery. Save overhead by transforming water.

8. Work for Medicare. Save US economy by healing the sick.

9. See Titanic – everyone else on the planet has.

10. Remind Bill Gates who’s boss.

11. Agree to interview with Howard Stern…shave and go as Howard’s evil twin.

12. Answer the question we REALLY want to know: Did Monica swallow?

13. Collect back pay and benefits from the Vatican.

14. Ride around in the Popemobile.

15. Throw one helluva Christmas party.




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